How to Find the Perfect Bespoke Engagement Ring in Australia

So you’re thinking about proposing to that person who makes your heart skip a beat and pushes your buttons like no one else. You’re searching for an engagement ring that pays respect to your intended’s unique personal attributes but somehow also captures the intricacies of your journey to this point in your relationship. 

Choosing the perfect engagement ring is a little like choosing a life partner; it requires thought, careful consideration and a reasonable expectation of personal investment. There are many other factors that come into play – feature stone, style, setting, fussiness of the recipient – but these can all be worked through with the help of an expert.

At Hope Diamonds, we’ve seen this all before and we’re here to ease you through the process. We’re with you through the early stages of deciphering what will work for your partner through to the execution of your expertly crafted, unique engagement ring that will (fingers crossed) result in a resounding ‘Yes!’

So settle in and read on to discover just how many engagement ring options lie before you, and how to claw your way through them to an end result. And with a little luck, you’ll only have to do this once.

Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring: Tips From an Expert

An engagement ring is as unique as its wearer and as such, there are countless considerations that can be made when finding the right ‘fit’. We’ve compiled a sturdy list below of those that hold the most weight. But first, let’s go back to where this all began.

Diamond engagement rings and their history

Prior to the 1950s, very few engagements involved diamond rings. Then, thanks to a crafty advertising move from De Beers which included the ingenious slogan “A Diamond is Forever”, diamond engagement rings were catapulted into the stratosphere and everyone and their mother wanted one. 

The popularity of shapes and cuts has changed through the ages, but none have had the staying power of the Round Brilliant Cut. But shape is only one factor to settling on a diamond (or any other gemstone, for that matter).

Diamonds and their Four Cs

A diamond may look like a bright, shiny stone that resembles any other diamond you may have seen, but on closer inspection, there’s a little more going on.

What makes a diamond shine and sparkle like only a diamond can are its four Cs, as established by the founder of the Gemological Institute Of America (GIA):

Concessions can be made on one to amplify the other, but these are topics that require further time and discussion. To read our more in-depth articles on the latter three, click on their names above.

Choosing a diamond: earth mined vs. lab grown

A few years ago, this wouldn’t even be up for debate. But with the rise in cost of living and the change in generational priorities and attitudes, many couples are asking this very question. 

There is something to be said about the historical and geological significance of earth mined diamonds and as someone from a diamond family, there’ll always be a special place in my heart for the real thing. After all, a month in a lab doesn’t really compare to the billions of years of pressure required to form a natural diamond.

The other side of the coin is that lab grown diamonds are chemically, visually and physically identical to natural diamonds, but with a significantly lower price tag and carbon footprint.

The choice is quite a personal one, so if you’d like more info on the pros and cons of either option, read our blog on the topic

Diamond alternatives: the case for gemstone engagement rings

Who said you have to have a diamond engagement ring?

The general populace are much more resistant to advertising slogans than they were in the 20th century and these days, the trend towards alternative gemstones is in full swing.

When recommending an alternative gemstone suitable for everyday wear in an engagement ring, I always start with sapphires or rubies due to their Mohs hardness and their durability. But the truth is, the feature stone in an engagement ring should be significant to the wearer first and foremost, so we will always try to accommodate other requests.

Name your metal

Do you know if your partner favours yellow gold, white gold or something else? A peak at their current jewellery can be a valuable clue. If you don’t have other examples from which to sample metal preference, then this aspect of your engagement ring will need to be discussed and decided on.

Settling on a setting

This is often the hardest part of picking an engagement ring; it seems so inconsequential but when you really start thinking about it, the setting makes all the difference. Is your partner a solitaire person? Do they favour a bezel? Four claws or six? If we’ve lost you entirely with this gibberish, it might be best to discuss the setting in person.

Ready-made engagement rings vs. custom designed

In an ideal scenario, you could walk into a store or search online and find the perfect engagement ring that ticks all your (partner’s) boxes. At Hope Diamonds, our specially curated Ready To Ship and Gemstone Rings categories aim to provide this ideal.

Alternatively, you can take the considerations discussed earlier in the blog and bring them to your Bespoke appointment where we will formulate a plan to design and execute a custom engagement ring to dazzle your partner.

The surprise factor and its implications on your engagement ring

The last factor of importance to consider when choosing an engagement ring is: To Surprise Or Not To Surprise. Only you can determine whether your partner would prefer their engagement ring to be a total surprise or if they’d like input on its design. 

Designing a ring on the down-low is exciting and special but it does require some sizing guesstimation if you don’t already have your partner’s measurements. We accommodate either approach with sensitivity and respect for your choice.

Your Perfect Engagement Ring Awaits at Hope Diamonds

If you’ve gotten to the end of this and feel just as overwhelmed as when you started, fear not! We specialise in making the engagement ring buying process as enjoyable for you as it is for your partner when they receive the final product. Help is only a click or a phone call away and we can provide as much guidance and advice as you need.

So if you’re ready to find a bespoke engagement ring worthy of your chosen person, Book Your Appointment today.

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